Saturday, November 12, 2011

Too Soon?

The morning after her dinner with Marc, she wasn't feeling so hot.

Jae wasn't real sure why though. She ended up just blaming the animal food she ate.

Then again, she wasn't sure about anything last night.
Exhaustion does crazy things with your brain.

She decieded it wouldn't help if she just stood around and did nothing, so she went out to do her gardening.

Thats when it hit her.

Everything from yeserday flooded back into her head.

She tried to laugh it off. It's not that bad...

But she had to face the facts. Whoo-hoo, then morning sickness, normally means one thing. But, she couldn't handle having a kid, she could barely make enough money for herself, what was she going to do with a baby?

--- --- --- --- ---

And of course, it was a baby in her tummy.

Being pregenet wasn't going to stop her from gardening.
She actually had to garden more. More vegetables, more money.

She even began to exersize.
Marc- It's a good thing she's working out, her tummy is getting bigger each day.

--- --- --- ---

Jae got a phone call from her sister, asking for her to come over.

And this is her sister Hannah! Hehe, no..This is her mom. (They live together)
Although Jae still hasn't told Marc, she thought she shoud tell her mom, that she was going to be a grandmother.

Despite the fact that they haven't talked since Jae was a teenager, her mom seemed delighted that finally one of her daughers was having a baby.

Her sister though, seemed not as surprised. She knew her sister was one to get around with the guys.

Then, she asked the question that Jae was afraid somebody would ask.
Hannah: So, Who's the dad?

What was she supposed to say?
"Oh, just the guy I ate dinner with the other day!"

So, she lied.

Jae: My husband.